Wolseley-Siddeley [1908]

The Wolseley-Siddeley

The Wolseley boat is 39 feet 4 inches in length, her beam is 6 feet, and the maximum draft at her propellers is 2 feet 8 inches. The hull is of timber throughout and is built of three skins of wood. The inner skin of special oak, laid vertically, the center of the same material laid diagonally, and the outer skin of mahogany laid horizontally. The skins, between each of is an insertion of water-proof silk, are riveted to oak timbers, spaced 4½ inches, and between the timbers the skins are sewn together with copper wire on the well-known Saunders patent system of construction. The most interesting point of the boat is her motors. There are two of them, driving twin screws. These motors in running condition on a test bench each weighed 1,670 pounds, almost exactly eight pounds per brake horsepower. The shaft angle is eleven degrees to the horizontal. The hull and the engines of the Wolseley weigh complete about 72 cwt. (almost 8,000 pounds), while the total weight of the Dixie, including her engines and crew is about 4,700 pounds.

(Transcribed from MotorBoat, Aug. 10, 1908, p. 13. )

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page. —LF]

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