Miss Bardahl is Giving Trouble [1966]

New Miss Bardahl Due
Miss Bardahl is Giving Trouble

Miss Bardahl is giving trouble — and the news should shake the hydroplane world. Just a few weeks before the new green monster makes her appearance on Okanagan Lake in the unlimited hydro lane race for the B.C. Centennial Trophy comes the news that the revolutionary rear-engined unlimited racer is being skittish. Driver Ron Musson, who will pilot the new boat at Kelowna, has been testing the craft on Lake Washington and says, "She vibrates at high speed, seems out of balance and has a flutter in the stabilizing rudder."

Musson was driving the new boat at 150 miles an hour recently, when she suddenly jumped clear of the water and hooked to the left. But the Bardahl team hopes to solve all the problems before the first race of the season on June 8-12 in Florida and she will certainly still be the favorite for the Kelowna event.

(Reprinted from The Vancouver Province, May 26, 1966, p.13)

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