OK, this time I'm really back. After effectively a layoff of several years, I'm jumping back into the deep end, reorganizing the website, moving away from FrontPage and now using Dreamweaver, doing my best to comply with HTML5 standards and CSS3 and trying very hard to fill in the many obvious gaps in documentation. All the content will be moved to a new domain: Hydroplane History (www.hydroplanehistory.com) Please be patient; I've a lot to learn after being in a fog for several years. Any suggestions or constructive criticisms are most welcome. Feel free to contact me at wildturnip@gmail.com (notice the new email address). I will try to answer your communication as quickly as is possible. Cheers, April 11, 2015 You can follow the progress of the update and transition on the Facebook group, Hydroplane History (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1558238831117830/). New group members are welcome.
History Home Page
This page was last revised
Thursday, April 11, 2015.
Your comments and suggestions are appreciated. Email us at wildturnip@gmail.com
© Leslie Field,