24 Hour Distance Record
Muskoka Lakes, Ontario, October 2-3, 1925
Rainbow IV Smashes All Records for 24 Hours
See also:
Two years ago Harry B. Greening, the well-known Canadian sportsman, astonished sailors the world over by smashing all records for distance traveled over the water in 24 hours when he covered 1.064 miles in two consecutive daylight runs of 12 hours each. This was an average speed of 44.33 miles an hour, made in the Gold Cup runabout Rainbow III, and was a record which looked to be good for many years to cone.
But Mr. Greening has once more surprised us, for the news now comes that he has easily eclipsed his former record with Rainbow IV, the Gold Cup winner of 1924, whose disqualification caused so much comment in motor boat racing circles. Equipped with a Liberty motor converted by Gar Wood, Inc. Rainbow IV, on a 19½ mile course laid out by a Dominion Government surveyor, has just covered 1,218.88 miles in another "double twelve," or 24-hour run, which is at the astonishing average of 50.78 miles an hour.
It was at first proposed to make the run a straight 24-hour affair, but the Canadian Government refused to sanction such an event, claiming that it might easily endanger other craft whose rights should be protected. Besides, any accident at night might easily have given a "black eye" to the sport, so the two runs of 12 hours each were decided upon.
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(Reprinted from Yachting, November 1925, p.51)
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