Chip II - The Mystery Boat
A "Chip II" Now
There is a Chip II now, the successor of Chip I, or just plain Chip, which won the Gold Cup at the Thousand Islands last August. Chip was built by Layare, of Ogdensburg, engined by Leighton of Syracuse, and owned by J. Wainwright, of Overbrook, Pa. As she flashed over the line, beating Invlese, Shooting Star, Flip, TZR, So Long, Radium and Skeeter, The Chippewa Bay yachting crowd were very enthusiastic.
The veil of mystery is deeply hung over Chip II. In the Chippewa Y.C.'s year book for Chip I is fully described. We see that she is 27 feet over all, 3 feet beam and equipped with a 10 h. Leighton motor. Below her is printed the name Chip II, with a series of dots all across the page. All efforts to obtain information about the new boat have been unavailing.
As soon as Chip had annexed the Gold Cup last year, a number of visiting predicted that the trophy would be held for one year, and one year only, and that ambitious yachtsmen in various parts of the country would put up boats to wrest this important emblem from the Chippewa Bay people. This was all well enough as far as it went; but those on the inside knew that Leighton himself could do some very fine figuring when it came to making ducks and drakes of a set of racing rules, and it is probable that Chip II is the result of much Winter thought on the part of Leyare, Leighton and Wainwright. At any rate, in August, on the St. Lawrence, we shall see things.
(Transcribed from The Motor Boat, July 25, 1906, p. 13. )
[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page LF]
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