Diamond Cup Off; Two New Boats Due [1969]
By Bill Knight

Plans for two new unlimited hydroplanes to be on the 1969 summer circuit were announced last night in the aftermath of the cancellation of the Diamond Cup in Coeur d'Alene.

It was a wild day in the world of powerboat racing, one which saw these developments:

Sponsors of the Diamond Cup, a race which seems to exist from month to month about this time every year, decided to call the whole thing off.
Unlimited hydro officials countered that bit of bad news by revealing plans for two new boats -- both by California sponsors, one of them powered by an Allison turbine engine and reported 80 percent finished.
Portland and Klamath Falls, Ore., were listed among possible sites to replace Coeur d'Alene on the '69 schedule.

Phil Cole, executive secretary of the Unlimited Hydro Commission, told The Post-Intelligencer by telephone from Los Angeles that a turbine-powered hydro built by Rich Hallett of Downey, Calif., is nearing completion.

The boat will be driven by former dragboat driver Don Edwards, Cole said, and will be named Miss Golden Komotion. "It's already been assigned the number U- 29," Cole said. "Hallett built the boat that set the world jet speed record a couple years ago."

Cole also said another addition to the tour this summer will be the Miss O'Neill-Knudsen, a low-profile cabover hull to be powered by two Ford engines and driven by former national limited champion Sonny Meyer. The owner is Walt Knudsen of El Monte, Calif.

The Coeur d'Alene race has been plagued by problems, most of them financial, in recent years. But the move to drop the race came as something of a surprise.

Tracy Petersen, race chairman, blamed rising expenses and falling interest, at least in Coeur d'Alene.

"I found a lot of enthusiasm in Spokane but there was a lack of it in Coeur d'Alene," Petersen said.

"We'll definitely have another race, perhaps two races on the schedule between the Seattle race (August 3) and the Gold Cup in San Diego in late September," Cole said.

He raised the possibility of returning to Madison, Wis., but indicated a Western site would be preferable because of the travel involved.

(reprinted from Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1969)

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