Motor Boat Association [1903]
National Body Projected By Local Yachtsmen
Racing Rules to Be Formulated
Over twenty yachtsmen, representing a dozen clubs in the vicinity of New York, met last night in the Columbia Yacht Club house, foot of West Eighty-sixth Street, to discuss measures toward organizing a motor boat association. The objects of such an organization, which should formulate proper rules for motor boat racing, arrange an equitable system of handicaps, and in other lines besides racing assist in the development of the motor boat future, were thoroughly discussed. It was unanimously agreed to form a Motor Boat Association of the United States, making its scope National instead of local, but as those who are interested in the success of the plan which to have as large a representation as possible actively interested in the formal organization definite action was deferred until next month, when a meeting of delegates from all recognized yacht clubs has been called to meet at the same place. The Regatta Committee of the Columbia Yacht Club, at whose insistence the preliminary meeting las night was held, was requested to issue the call and secure as wide a cooperation as possible.
A committee consisting of S.B. Jones, Indian Harbor Yacht Club; W.G. McClave, Columbia, and A.B. Coles, Manhasset, was appointed to draw up a constitution and by-laws for the new organization, and present them at the meeting next month. Another committee was appointed to draft a code of rules for racing measurement, time allowance, &c., for motor boat contests. The members appointed were H.J. Gielow, Chairman of the Regatta Committee of the Atlantic Yacht Club; W. Schuyler, Atlantic Yacht Club, and S.B. Jones, Indian Harbor.
Among the clubs represented at the meeting were, besides the Columbia, the Larchmont, Indian Harbor, Sachem's Head, and Manhasset.
(Transcribed from the New York Times, 21 Jan. 1903, p.10. )
[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in the preparation of this page]
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