Pico Flip at Tri-Cities
Columbia River, Tri-Cities, WA, August 1, 1999

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In the running Heat 3A of the Budweiser Columbia Cup With Wings on the Columbia River at Tri-Cities, WA, Chip Hanauer driving Miss PICO rode up the roostertail of the Budweiser in Turn 3 and flipped over. Chip was taken to Kennewick General Hospital for examination after complaining of a sore shoulder. Xrays showed he had no broken bones. Hanauer was released.

After an amazing thrash by the PICO team, backup driver Mike Weber drove Miss PICO to a second place finish in the final heat.

Other news and photos can also be found at the Tri-City Herald Hydros Page.

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This page was last revised Thursday, April 01, 2010.
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© Leslie Field, 1999