Three New Trophies [1905]

Motor Boat Trophies

International Cup Offered for Carnival Races in September

Three trophies instead of one will be offered for autoboat competition during the carnival race days in September by the National Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers. The chief trophy will be the international cup. This will be open to boats forty feet in length ot twelve meters. Invitations will be extended to all the leading foreign Manufacturers and private owners of fast motor boats, and there are good expectations for believing that some entries will be made from across the water.

The second trophy in importance will be the National Cup, open to boats forty feet long and the third trophy will be the Inter-State Cup, open to boats thirty-three feet in length and under. In addition to these prizes, there will be cups for lesser events, and special classes will be included for cruisers and open launches. The carnival will be held on the Hudson during the first week in September but the course has not yet been selected. All freak boats will be barred, and since the accident to the motor boats in the Mediterranean, the committee will exercise particular care to admit to the events only boats that are thoroughly seaworthy.

(Transcribed from the New York Times, May 22, 1905, p. 11. )

[These three trophies would be a regular facet of the Hudson River Carnival until its end prior to World War I, after which they would be retired and revived on several occasions. The International Cup would be contested for up to the late 1950's. - GWC]

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page]

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