1905 APBA Gold Cup
Alexandria Bay, Chippewa, NY, August 24-26, 1905

Chip Leads Motor Boats

Defender Takes Opening Heat for the Gold Challenge Cup

Chip Leads Motor Boats
Chip Again Led the Motor Boats
Chip wins Power Boat Gold Cup
Chip Wins the Gold Cup
APBA Gold Challenge Cup

ALEXANDRIA BAY, N. Y.., Aug. 24 --- The first race for the Gold Challenge Cup of the American Power Boat Association was won to-day by Chip, owned by J. H. Wainwright of Philadelphia, and entered from the Chippewa Bay Yacht Club, in the absence of Willis S. Kilmer's Vingt-et-Un II.

Ten boats started in the race. The Invlese, entered from the Riverton Yacht Club by E. T. Irwin, was second, and the New York racer So Long, owned by George Hasbrouck and entered from the Thousand Islands Yacht Club, was third. The other New York boats were disappointments, one finishing fifth, one sixth, and one breaking down.

Three of the racers were unable to finish because of injuries to their delicate machinery. The Panhard II, entered from the Columbia Yacht Club; the Flying Dutchman III of the Rhode Island Yacht Club, and Radium of the St, Lawrence Yacht Club all failed at critical times. The Radium, owned by Commodore A. R. Peacock of Pittsburg, was picked to win. T.Z.R., entered by W. W. Richardson of Dover, Del., was fourth.

The Manhasset Bay Yacht Club entry, Shooting Star II, and Alfred Gwynn Vanderbilt's Skeeter, entered from the New York Yacht Club, were fifth and sixth, and the Flip of the Hartfrod Yacht Club brought up the rear of the procession.

Alfred Gwynn Vanderbilt and his wife and Mr. and Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont witnessed the races from George C. Boldt's houseboat. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Leeds joined them there. On F. P. Lowden's yacht Venice was Vice President Charles W, Fairbanks, the guest of honor.

(Transcribed from the New York Times, Aug. 25, 1905.)

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page — LF]

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