1905 W. O. Gay Cup
Marblehead, Mass.

A number of races have been held between power boats Pioneer and Brodie Girl, and more will take place later on. Wednesday, July 26th, Pioneer beat Brodie Girl by 50 seconds.

William Wallace's new power boat Counterfeiter is placed in the water. She presents a fine appearance as she ploughs through the water at an 18-knot clip, shoving her long nose into every wave, and sending clouds of spray into the air on either side. They worked day and night in order to have her ready for the Easter Y.C. races, but she was not ready until Friday morning when she went over one round with Spaghetti, and then returned to the harbor. it was not thought that she would complete one lap, but she went beyond the expectations of her builders and would have finished had her steering gear worked satisfactorily.

Eastern Y.C. Power Boat Races

On the morning of July 27th the first race in the three days' series took place. Provisions were made for both automobile boats and launches, but as none of the former class were ready this class was omitted. Launches were divided into four classes: First, all over 50 ft. rating; second, all cabin boats and boats with standing awnings over 21 ft. rating, and not over 50 ft. rating; third, hunting launches and open boats over 21 ft. rating and not over 50 ft. rating; fourth, not over 21 ft. rating..

The race was run over the Eastern Y.C. course from Buoy No. 3, Marblehead Neck, 3 miles Northeast by East 1/4 east, to and around a red flag buoy 1/2 mile Northerly from baker's Island Light, and then back to Buoy No. 3, leaving it on the starboard and repeat, making it 12 1/2 miles in all.

Prizes of silver were offered for the winner in each class. A second prize was also offered in each class where four or more boats were entered, and a third prize if seven or more boats were entered. The Gay Cup was presented by Rear-Commodore W. O. Gay to be awarded to the boat which, having started in each race, should make the smallest elapsed time for all three days. Each boat was required to make four laps in order to compete for this class. Boats must be under 40 ft. over all length, including propeller, but not including rudder, to compete for this cup.

The restrictions for launches were as follows: The total number of persons on board a boat throughout the race shall not be less than two. All boats, except fourth class launches must be fitted with serviceable anchor and cable must be carries on each boat, shall have on board one serviceable life-preserver for each person on board.

No boat shall be allowed to compete unless equipped with the necessary light required by law, a compass, and a fog signal.

At 10:30 a.m. three boats crossed the line in the first class. Five minutes later four boats crossed the line in the second class, and five minutes after these, twelve boats got underway in the third class. In the fourth class there were no entries.

During the first lap Essex had the ill luck to break her propeller shaft near the engine, thus putting her out of the race and leaving only two to finish in her class. Hupa finished first in the first class, completing the course of 12 1/2 miles in 43 minutes and 53 seconds. As soon as she had finished Hupa went back into the harbor, being too large to compete for the Gay Cup. Spaghetti finished second but kept on and completed four laps for the Gay Cup.

In the second class Blink came in first, completing the two laps in 1 hour, 18 minutes and 2 seconds. Seven minutes and 58 seconds later Right o'Way came in, finishing second.

In class three Tai-Kun finished first with an elapsed time of 1 hour, 5 minutes and 40 seconds, and then went around twice more for the Gay Cup.

About an hour and a half after the start the Thomas boat Dixie came on the scene, and immediately started round the course after the Gay Cup, finishing the four laps, 25 miles in all, in 1 hour, 13 minutes and 8 seconds. At the start of the race Dixie was on trucks at the Marblehead Yacht Yard, where she had just arrived from New York. In an hour and a half she was ready to race. Dixie is certainly the fastest power boat ever seen in Marblehead waters.

The summary is as follows:

For the Gay Cup

El. Time

Dixie, E. R. Thomas


Spaghetti, E. R. Hollander


Tai Kun, W. H. Stewart


We Win, G. G. Whiting


Launches--First Class


Hupa, C. H. Clark


Spaghetti, E. R. Hollander


Essex, E. G. Young

Did not finish

Launches--Second Class


Blink, C. W. Estabrook


Right o'Way, L. R. Speare


Glissando, F. L. Andrews


Edith, C. D. Wainwright


Launches--Third Class

El. Time

Tai-Kun, W. H. Stewart


We Win, G. G. Whiting


Ronomor Jr., Perkins Lch.&Mtr. Co.


Little Egypt, C. F. Lyman


Irene, F. L. Jewell


Fire Fly, George Lee


Comanche Jr., W. P. Wharton


Slippery Sal, Burgess & Packard


Lillian B., O. O. Brown


Unnamed, P. Markey


Stealthy Steve, C. Dane


Unnamed, D. Fenton


On Friday morning 20 boats had entered. A special class was started at 10:20, known as the Eastern Y.C. Special 32-Ft. Class. When the signal was given 2 boats, Counterfeiter and Spaghetti, started on the first lap. Ten minutes later the first-class launches were started, with Dixie leading. Five minutes after these were underway the second class was started, with only one boat, Blink, entered; and five minutes later the third class.

On finishing the first round Counterfeiter withdrew, leaving Spaghetti to finish alone. Hupa had the ill luck to break down on the second round, but managed to run back to port without aid.

Summary for the Gay Cup








First Class






Tama, F. L. Dunn


Second Class




Third Class




Farewell, J. A. Burnham Jr.


Little Egypt


Omeomi, G. Whittier


D. Fenton


Fire Fly


Ronomor Jr.


Zip, J. Lee




P. Markey




The third day of the races dawned fair and calm, offering an ideal sea for any power boat, whether large or small.

William Wallace did not enter Counterfeiter, as she steers badly, and in the second class no boats were entered.

At 10:30 a.m. the whistle blew of the first class boats, Tama crossing the line first, with Dixie close behind, and Hupa bringing up the rear. Dixie presented a magnificent spectacle as she ploughed through the water at a 22-knot clip, sending clouds of spray high into the air on either side, and at times almost hiding the racer and her crew from view.

Five minutes after the first class had been started the whistle blew for the second class, but none crossed the line. Five minutes later the third class got underway, making a fine picture as they ploughed down the course close after each other at the rate of about 9 miles per hour, with Tai Kun, the new Stewart boat leading, and the Bugess & Packard jolly boat, Saucy Sal, as she was christened by the press, fetching up the rear.

Hupa had the ill luck to get overheated during the second round and was forced to retire. Certainly the new Binney boat had hard luck. had her engine gone all right she would have been a winner, for her superior size enabled her to take seas that forced smaller boats to slow down.

It was thought by everyone that Dixie would win in her class, but when the time was figured out it was found that she had lost to Tama by 31 seconds. In the total elapsed time for the Gay Cup, however, she won, beating Spaghetti.

In the third class Little Egypt and Omeomi made a good showing, but they were unable to come up to Tai Kun. Only two boats, Dixie and Spaghetti, went the four rounds for the Gay Cup, for the rest knew that they would have no show against Dixie.

It was a great disappointment to many that L. R. Speare's Winton did not arrive, and it is thought by many that had she arrived she would have changed the record considerably.

The races were managed by A. A. Packard and W. B. Stearns for the Eastern Y.C. Regatta Committee.

Summary for the Gay Cup:

El. Time 3 Days

Dixie, E. R. Thomas


Spaghetti, E. R. Hollander


Class 1

El. Time

Cor. Time

Tama, F. L. Dunn



Dixie, E. R. Thomas



Spaghetti, E. R. Hollander



Tai Kun, W. H. Stewart



Little Egypt, C. F. Lyman



Omeomi, G. Whittier



We Win, R. Hutchins



Marguerete, D. Fenton



Fire Fly, G. Lee



Farewell, J. Burnham



Stealthy Steve, C. Dane



P. Markey



Zip, J. Lee



(Transcribed from Power Boat News, Aug. 15, 1905, pp. 346-347 )

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page. —LF]

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