1908 Harmsworth Trophy
Huntington Bay, New York, July 27-28, 1908
Motorboats Race To-Day
Motorboat trial races to select an American defending team for the International cup races to-day at Huntington Harbor proved literally true to their name yesterday--trials both for the committee and every one who has hoped that the men who have talked so much about their fast new boats would, even at the eleventh hour, show what they might accomplish. There was no race.
The two English boats, Wolseley-Siddeley, the challenger, owned by the Duke of Westminster, and Daimler II, owned by Lord Howard de Walden, were in the bay, looking fit in every particular, and in a trial run late in the day they amply justified the reputation earned abroad for high speed. With Capt. Noel M Robbins at the wheel of the Wolseley-Siddeley this 400-horse-power boat gave a spectacular and decidedly sporty exhibition of a well-finished racing boat of her type. The last five miles she did at practically top speed, throwing the water from her bow in long, clean-cut waves, with mountains of spray. She made the ten-mile circuit--nautical miles, be it remembered, for the Motorboat Club of America recognizes nothing else--in about thirty minutes, and her engines were working as smoothly as clockwork.
Capt. Robbins, like a true sportsman, said he was sorry so much trouble had been experienced in getting the best American boats ready, expressing the wish, if he did capture the trophy, that America would be the first country to challenge and send a fast boat over next year. Dr. Albert G. Fentiman, who has charge of Daimler II, tuned up her engines and sent her around the bay for a few short spins. He admits that his boat is more of a rough-weather craft than Wolseley-Siddeley, but the indications are for smooth water to-day, which is favored by the American boats.
In the absence of the final trial races the committee last night decided that Dixie II, the S.S.A. and Den would be the defenders of the Challenge Cup in to-day's race.
The International Cup race is scheduled to start at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, and a number of yachts entered the bay last night to remain for the event. The English boats will be reshipped to England next Saturday.
(Transcribed from the New York Times, August 1, 1908)
[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page. LF]
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