1908 Huntington Bay Regatta

Motorboats to Race

Cruising and Speed Craft to Compete at Huntington Bay To-day

Motorboats to Race
Motorboats in Storm
Den Leads Motorboats
Race Week of the Motorboat Club of America

Motorboat racing in Huntington Bay will be resumes to-day, the events being the only series of competitions that the Motorboat Club of America has been able to arrange, with the exception of the international trophy race, for its proposed carnival week of racing. Over a dozen entries had been received last night by the Regatta Committee for the races. The U.S.A., which was one of the American representatives in the international event, and the old XPDNC, now owned by Jacob Siegel and which won the first Hudson River race from New York to Poughkeepsie and back, will be among the starters in the speed events. The total list of entries for to-day's events is:

U.S.A., John Shepperd, Riverton Yacht Club; Scioto, George C. Sutton, Bergen Beach; XPDNC, Jacob Siegel, Red Bank; Macon, Fred H. Tucker, New York Motorboat Club, Marie, Aymer Johnson, South bay Yacht Club; Durno II, J. H. Durno, Rochester; Edith, B. A. Bloch, Motorboat Club of America; White Lady, Max Tradelins, Pavonia; Royal Flush, P. von Boeckmann, Jamaica Bay; Wanderlust, Edward J. Steiner, Motorboat Club of America, Iloilo, P. E. Fansler, New York.

(Transcribed from the New York Times, Aug. 6, 1908, p. 6. )

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page —LF]

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