1910 British Motor Boat Club Regatta
British Motor Boat Club Regatta
The British Motor Boat Club opened its regatta at Lowescroft on Saturday in ideal conditions.
In a handicap for cabin cruisers two of the four starters had sails—namely, Mr. Oswald Colls’s Xebec and Mr. Edison Williamson’s Bunyip. The other boats were:--Braemar, Mr. G. Paxton, jun.; Miele, Mr. O. Gregg-Carr. Xebec won on time allowance, with Braemer, Miele, and Bunyip in the order named. The course was 12.6 sea miles.
The race for motor-boats brought out five starters—namely, Petrol, Mr. S. Walton; Umbazi, Mr. V. D. Wilcock; Klinka, Mr. W. Hartridge; Sea Angler, Mr. J. W. Brooke; and Mouse, Mr. H. Hollingsworth. Petrol was the winner on time allowance, Umbazi being second and Sea Angler third.
The race for motor-boats not exceeding 30-ft., for the Brooke Trophy, was a match between Mr. E. Atkinsion-Smith’s Etukishook and Mr. D. Hepworth’s Tyreless. Etukishook had an allowance of 27min. 23sec. and she beat Tyreless by over 8min.
The chief race of the day was a handicap for motor-boats exceeding 12 knots. The distance was 13 sea miles, and the finishing times after deducting time allowanced were:--
Mr. Mawdesley Brooke’s Baby V | 4hr. 31min. 39sec. |
Mr. J. H. Bell’s Ixia | 4hr. 32min. 6sec. |
Mr. F. Gordon Pratt’s Tyreless II | 4hr. 32min. 33sec. |
Mr. Atkinsin-Smith’s Etukishook | 4hr. 32min. 54sec. |
Mr. D. Hepworth’s Tyreless and Mr. C. Manuell’s Ouest also competed. |
(Transcribed from the Times of London, Sep. 5, 1910, p. 14.)
* * *
Marine Motoring
The British Motor Boat Club had bad weather for the continuation of the Lowescroft Regatta yesterday. There was a strong northerly wind and a heavy sea, and three out of five races set for decision were postponed until to-morrow.
In the race for cabin cruisers only Braemar (G. Paxton, jun.) ventured out, and she went over the course alone. In the handicap for motor boats over 12 knots there were five starters:--Tyreless II, Mr. F. Gordon Pratt; Ixia, Mr. J. H. Bell; Etukishook, Mr. E. Atkinson-Smith; Baby V, Mr. Mawdesley Brooke; and Tyreless, Mr. D. Hepworth. All went well until the fourth round, when there was a series of mishaps. Etukishook gave up owing to the swell; the engine cover of Baby V fell into the sea, and, after going back to recover it, the race was abandoned. Tyreless II also lost a portion of her woodwork, and a man fell overboard in trying to get it. Ixia, coming up, at once stopped and effected a rescue, and she afterwards towed the others in.
(Transcribed from the Times of London, Sep. 6, 1910. p. 13.)
* * *
Marine Motoring
The British Motor Boat Club held racing on Oulton Broad, near Lowescroft, yesterday, in fine, although dull, weather.
A handicap exceeding 9 but not exceeding 15 knots was won by Mr. Hollingsworth with Mouse; and Mr. Mawdesley Brooke’s Babs II beat Mr. Atkinson-Smith’s Etukishook in a sweepstake for the 21ft. class by half a minute on time allowance. In the handicap for motor boats not exceeding 9 knots Mr. Walton’s Petrol was first, the same owner’s Thunderbolt being second, and Mr. W. Hartridge’s Klinka third. There were also three gymkhana events.
(Transcribed from the Times of London, Sep. 7, 1910. p. 19.)
[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page —LF]
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