1910 Hudson River Yacht Racing Association Regatta
Ossining NY, September 1910

The Annual Regatta at Ossining
The Results of the Sixth Annual Regatta of the Hudson River Yacht Racing Association
Emerson, of Peoria Fame, Although Finally Disabled, Again Demonstrates Her Speed.

The sixth annual regatta of the Hudson River Yacht Racing Association was held on Labor Day off the Shattemuck Yacht and Canoe Club, at Ossining. Both in the number of starters and in the number and enthusiasm of the spectators, this year’s event was by far the most successful in the history of the organization.

The course was a triangular one of five statute miles and in the nine events for motor boats nearly a hundred speeders took part, representing many of the clubs along the Hudson River.

Four boats finished in the first event which was for those of a rating of 70 and over, and was over a 20-mile course. The boats finished in the following order: Emerson, 44:03; Drisco (scratch), 55:36; Elmer I., 55:38; Gunfire II, 56:25; but the corrected times gave the race to Gunfire.

The second race was for boats under 70 rating for the same distance and six contestants finished as follows: Artful, 59:11; Comet III, 1:03:37; Alta, 1:12:35; Sea Robin, 1:24:46; Adroit, 1:47:20; and after deducting the handicaps it was found that Artful had won the first place.

The next race, over a ten-mile course, was for cabin boats of over 45 rating. The time allowances … gave the race to Foxy Quiller by a five-minute margin.

In the ten-mile race for the Jos. R. Ellicott Cup, Emerson, Driscoe (scratch), Gunfire II and Elmer L. finished in the order named, and Gunfire II was awarded the trophy.

"The last event of the day was the twenty-mile free-for-all, all boats up to 40 ft. in length. Gunfire II withdrew and Emerson met with an accident, forcing her also to discontinue. Elmer L. finished in 56:56, thereby winning from Courier III.

(Excerpts transcribed from MotorBoating, October, 1910, p. 33.)

Regatta of the Hudson River Yacht Racing Association

Before a gathering of five thousand motorboat racing enthusiasts representing eleven live clubs on the Hudson River, and in plain view of the many hundred "guests" at that notorious mansion, Sing Sing, The Hudson River Yacht Racing Association held its sixth annual regatta on Labor Day, off the clubhouse of the Shattemuck Yacht and Canoe Club, at Ossining, N.Y. The day was favorable for motorboat racing, a small sea rolled and the balmy atmosphere seemed to invigorate the crews aboard the racing craft. A light haze hung over the horizon and the mountains showed in outline against the dull background.

Fully a hundred speeders, the pick of the club fleets, were entered in the contests. Ten events formed the motorboat program, the first starting at 10 a.m. Each of the other contests were run off fifteen minutes apart. The course was a triangle extending over five statute miles, starting from a line between the clubhouse and Ge, George A. McAlpin’s cruiser, Sentinel. Every available spot along the shore held good crowds, and the verandas of the clubhouse were well filled throughout the day. The throngs aboard the spectator craft laughed and made merry, while phonographs shrieked comedy and dialogue. Gunfire II, Emerson, Elmer L. and Comet III made up the speed talent of the day.

The fierst race was for speedboats rating 70 and over, twice around a ten-mile course. Ten boats were entered in this contest, of which four finished. With motors firing like a naval battery, the boats stood at the line, the crews eagerly waiting the signal to start. Gunfire took the lead at the start and won from the speedy Elmer L on time allowance. Emerson, piloted by A. Travers, of Poughkeepsie, who succeeded in winning honors and smashing records at Peoria, could do no better in this event than finish third. Drisco, the scratch boat, trailed along in fourth place. The other contestants were outclassed and did not finish. Gunfire is a 35-footer, equipped with a Mercury motor.

The Class II affair for speedboats brought out six racers, rating under 70, for a gun over 20 miles. Artful walked off with the prize in this contest, followed by Alta, a minute later. Comet III, Sea Robin, and Adroit came next in the order named, a margin of from ten to twenty minutes separating each of the boats. Vim, the other entry, finished almost an hour behind the winner..

Class A, for cabin boats rating over 45, was over a ten-mile course, and of the thirteen boats entered but six started. Foxy Quiller, a 25-footer, equipped with a Ferro motor, rating 12.82-hp., walked off with first prize. Minnie S, the scratch boat, passed over the line second, five minutes behind.

The race for the Jos. R. Ellicott Cup, Class F, over a ten-mile course, was another test for speeders. Gunfire II, Elmer L, Emerson and Drisco started in the most exciting event of the day, finishing in the order named.

No handicap was figured in the Class X event free-for-all speedboats not over 40 feet. The racers were sent over a 20-mile course. Elmer L finished first, seven minutes before Comet III. A shortage of gasoline compelled Gunfire II to withdraw, and Emerson, as she led the field on the second l;ap, met with the only serious accident of the day. Her strut broke and the flanges buckled on the wheel, knocking a hole in the stern. The crew aboard realized the extent of the damage and rushed with all speed to the club landing. The Emerson was raised out of the water, and was saved in this way from going to the bottom.

At this time the regatta committee was acting on a protest filed against Gunfire II and Emerson in the race for speedboats, Class I, in which it was claimed that an error had been made in the measurement of the former, and that the Travers boat did not carry proper equipment. Official Measurer Charles A. Gunther, of Tappan Zee, was on hand, and after the decision of the committee he left to get his instruments and carry out the plan to re-measure. Class X concluded the motorboat program, and the committee called a recess of one hour, after which the sailing events were started. The committee was composed of the following commodores of the clubs forming the association:

Matt McCarty, commodore Albany Yacht Club; David Terry, commodore Rondout Yacht Club; William H. Frank, commodore Poughkeepsie Yacht Club; M. W. Collyer, commodore Newburgh Yacht Club; Milton Jordan, commodore Highland Boat Club; James Bedell, commodore Shattemuck Yacht and Canoe Club; Joseph H. Acker, commodore Tarrytown Yacht Club; Fred A. Russell, Jr. commodore Tarrytown Boat Club; F. Wm. Ulrichs, commodore Tappan Zee Yacht Club; Louis F. Marren, commodore Yonkers Yacht Club; Charles A. Starbuck, commodore Columbia Yacht Club.

The protested boats were no re-measured up to nightfall, and the winner in the first contest was not declared. The motorboat summaries:

Auto Class I. Speed Boats Rating 70 and Over. 20 Miles





Cor’d Time

Gunfire W. J. Brainard




Elmer L L. De Long




Emerson A. Traver




Drisco R. J. Driscoll




Class II. Auto Boats Rating Under 70. 20 Miles

Artful H. Coons




Alta F. Charaway




Comet III F. A. W. Grissam




Sea Robin C. E. Gilson




Adroit P. Jacobson




Vim J. P. Wahlquist




Class A Cabin Boats. 10 Miles

Foxy Quiller W. Ventschger




Minnie I A. Traver




Widgeon II W. L. Martin




Iris II Matt McCarty




Cosimo John Brown




Class F. Jos. R. Ellicott Cup. 10 Miles

Gunfire II W.J. Brainard




Elmer L L. De Long




Emerson A. Traver




Drisco R. J. Driscoll




Class X. Free-for-All. Auto boats not over 40 ft. 20 miles

Elmer L L. De Long


Comet III F.A.W.Grissan


Gunfire II  




(Excerpts transcribed from MotorBoat, Sep. 10, 1910, pp. 44-46.)

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page —LF]

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