1920 APBA Gold Cup
The Gold Cup and The Fisher Trophy
The Detroit Gold Cup Regatta
The races held under the auspices of the Detroit Gold Cup Committee from September 11th to 15th included the Gold Cup race; the initial contest for the Fisher Trophy for 35 mile displacement runabouts as well as cruiser and runabout races galore. While interest as usual entered on the Gold Cup race; the Fisher Trophy boats put up what was really the feature of the big regatta. One of the great reasons for the success of the latter race was the fact that the deed of gift, arranged by Carl Fisher, the donor; specified that the contesting boats were to run on three days over fifty-mile courses without engine adjustments of any kind. This means that high speed engines are required to operate at top speed for a total of 150 miles. At the end of each day's racing, observers were put on board with orders to seal the engines. The boats then taken to the boat houses and put under the eye of a policeman who allowed no one to touch the craft until 10 minutes before the preparatory gun for the next day's contest. When actually engaged in racing the mechanicians were allowed to make what adjustments were necessary. To anyone familiar with high speed engines it is plain that no serious alterations could be made to a plant when underway. A tremendous amount of credit should be given to the makers of all the engines that finished the 150 mile stretch.
The Gold Cup as usual brought out the fastest boats in this country and Canada. For the first time, the public saw the two Smith-designed hydros that were sent to England by Gar Wood and who brought back the coveted Harmsworth Trophy. It is needless to state that all existing records for speed boats were beaten. In the displacement classes too, all records were broken. In the time trials for the mile, under Admiralty conditions Miss America ran one lap at the rate of 79 miles an hour; over 10 miles faster than any other craft has shot over the water. In the displacement boat trials Miss Nassau who set up a record of 38 miles an hour at Miami last spring, ran one mile at a speed of better than 50 miles an hour. Being equipped with a Liberty engine she was not eligible for the Fisher Trophy which was only for boats fitted with out-and-out marine engines. For being the fastest displacement boat she won the Motor Boating Trophy. The cup given by Morris Rosenfeld for the fastest average mile made by boats eligible for the Fisher event went to the wonderful Rainbow, by far the finest runabout that has ever been built. She had an average speed of over 39 miles an hour.
The first day of the three allotted for the Gold Cup race was far from ideal for hydroplanes. A stiff breeze was blowing and there were occasionally spurts of rain but not enough to drive away the crowds that lined the banks of Belle Isle and the mainland. As the starting hour approached the breeze went down, and the weather cleared somewhat. Miss America, Miss Detroit V, Miss New Orleans, Miss Belle Isle and Imp II signified their intention of starting. The fast Canadian entry, Miss Toronto II had not arrived at that time. In attempting to start, Imp's mechanician broke the starting crank and all efforts to turn the engine by pulling the flywheel over against the high compression failed. The others got over the line for a rather poor start; Miss Belle Isle and Miss New Orleans being some seconds behind the Wood boats. At the start Miss America was one second ahead of her larger sister but Miss Detroit lead at the end of the first, second and third laps. The fourth was a dead heat, On the sixth and last: Miss America lead by 2/5 of a second. There never before had been as close a finish between boats travelling at such a speed.
On the first lap Miss New Orleans, the entry for the Southern Y. C. struck a log and was forced to withdraw ; much to the sorrow of the many who appreciated the good sportsmanship of the Dixie boys who had sent the boat on the long journey. Miss Belle Isle, a local boat, had trouble with her big Liberty and dropped out at about the same time as Miss New Orleans.
The weather on Monday was better for the speedsters and a fine race was anticipated; for Miss Toronto had arrived and grim lines about the mouth of Ericson and Pierson her intrepid crew expressed better than words the fact that they were out for business. Just before the starting gun the Canadian boat burned out her starting motor and was towed in. Miss America was the first over the line closely followed by Miss Detroit and Miss New Orleans. Imp II got a poor start but bravely went on her way with her four-cylinder Hall Scott. Miss Belle Isle did not start. Miss America was one second ahead at the end of the second lap, exchanging daces with Miss Detroit on the third and fourth lap. Imp II was lapped by both of the larger boats on this round. On the last lap Miss Detroit was one second ahead of the Harmsworth winner. So far the races had been a family affair for the Woods. Miss New Orleans was two minutes behind the Smith boats at the finish but really made a good race considering the fact that she had only half their power. Imp II is the old Oregon Kid hull and has a four-cylinder Hall-Scott of only 100 h.p. She made better than 40 miles an hour in spite of the fact that Blakely lost his way and ran around looking for some of the buoys. At one turn he skidded completely around and headed in the opposite direction.
The last day was in many ways the most exciting of all; for while it was impossible to prevent the prize going to one of the Wood entries, owing to their wins on the previous days, there was the added interest attached to having Miss Toronto on hand and running at her best. Imp II was withdrawn as her owner could not remain longer in Detroit. Miss America, Miss Detroit, Miss Toronto and Miss New Orleans went over in the order named and at once it was apparent that Miss America had a large margin on Miss Detroit. At the end of the first lap she had a lead of nearly half a minute and great interest was aroused as to whether she would be able to lap her larger rival. As the finish drew near the excitement reached a climax and many bets were made by adherents of both boats. Just as the line was crossed Miss Detroit made a supreme effort and crossed on her fifth lap one second ahead of Miss America on her sixth. The excitement over this had hardly died down when Miss Toronto finished. Just after she crossed the line her engine was shut down and Ericson swung her sharply around to the judges float. As he did so the boat struck some submerged object and careened sharply to one side spilling the two in the water. A launch started for the two men who, calling out that they were all right pointed to the boat which was still running without a guiding hand at wheel or engine. Miss New Orleans, piloted by one of the best drivers ever seen at a race meet, now crossed on her fifth lap and seeing the runaway craft steered for her. Mechanician Wilkinson at the risk of his life climbed out on the forward deck of the southern boat with the idea of leaping from one boat to the other. Before he could make the jump however Miss Toronto stopped. If the feat had been accomplished it would have added a page to the record of nervy deeds. Miss America's fastest lap was made at a speed of better than 71 miles an hour, while the average was 70. By this win Miss America's name is added to the medallions placed upon the base of the Gold Cup and another star is added to the already heavy crown worn by Gar Wood.
When Carl Fisher announced two years ago that he would put up a gold cup for displacement boats having speeds of better than forty miles an hour even the most optimistic of power boatmen doubted whether such a boat could be built. When it was found that the engines were to be limited to 3000 cubic inches displacement and that they must be regular stock marine engines the doubt was increased. The restrictions were finally placed at 33 miles for the minimum speed and it was specified that no adjustments were to be made on either hull or engine during the time the boats were not racing.
Last year, arrangements for the race could not be made in time; so this year was the first race for this trophy. The deed of gift requires that the same owner wins the race three times before becoming the possessor of the magnificent prize. Five boats came to the line on each of the three days racing. Each heat was held over a 2˝ mile triangle the boats going over a course 20 times, a total of fifty miles a day. Four of the boats were built and designed by the Detroit builder, John Hacker. The remaining craft was Crouch-designed and built by Ditchburn in Canada. She was owned by H. B. Greening of the Hamilton (Ont.) Y. C. and powered with a six-cylinder Sterling engine of the G. R. type. During half the race Snap Shot, a local boat, fought for, and retained a slight lead over Rainbow; but she finally found the pace too hot and allowed the Hamilton boat to take the lead. From this on the black flier was never headed. To the onlookers it seemed as if Mr. Greening, who was driving with the utmost nonchalance, had something up his sleeve and had allowed Snap Shot to have the first for ten laps. Edsel Ford driving his maiden race in Comanche was second. For a while Falcon III, a sister boat to Comanche, put up a good race, but engine trouble forced her back further until towards the end of the race the trouble was eliminated and the boat put up to speed. As it was she made the fastest lap of the race, 37˝ miles an hour. Snap Shot was third; Doughboy fourth and Falcon fifth, almost an hour behind the leaders. As soon as the boats finished they reported to the judges float and an observer was put on board. They then got gasoline and were sent to a boat house where they were watched by a police officer who allowed no one to go aboard until to minutes before the next preparatory gun.
The second day was a repetition of the first as far as Rainbow was concerned. She allowed Snap Shot to show the way for about 12 miles, when she opened up and took the lead. Falcon again made the fastest lap but engine trouble kept her from holding her speed. She finished in third place however, beating Doughboy, who only had half her power, by about 6 minutes. The Ford entry went out in the 14th lap. Rainbow had averaged better than 37 miles for the 30 miles, while Snap Shot and Falcon had done better than 36 miles. On one lap she beat the world’s record for displacement boats by travelling at 38.3 miles, 2/10 of a mile faster than Brush By's time at the Thousand Islands.
The third and final race was again a victory for the wonderful Hamilton boat. As far as we on the judges stand could see the crew of Rainbow had remained in their seats for the entire three races. As adjustments when underway were allowed it appeared that the Sterling engine was running absolutely without attention. Seen from any angle Rainbow is a remarkable craft. It was whispered that she had cost Mr. Greening about $25,000 but it was money well spent. All of her deck fittings, her hatch beams, control board etc., are of aluminum specially designed for the boat. For the first few laps Snap Shot with a duplicate power plant held the lead, but as on the previous days Rainbow seemed to catch up when it was found advisable. For nearly two laps the two boats raced along at about a 38 mile clip on even terms. Rainbow finally shot into the lead and from then on the result was never in doubt. Comanche had failed to finish on Monday and consequently could not start in the final race. Falcon made two rounds at a good pace and then slowed down with serious engine trouble. At one time she was on fire at the lower turn. She finally gave up the contest at about the 10th mile after the others had finished. The final result for the series was, Rainbow, 18 points; Snap Shot, 14 points; Doughboy, 10 points. The engine troubles which had beset the trailers were partly accounted for by the fact that the boats had not had a proper amount of preliminary tuning up.
The Gar Wood $5000 Prize Race
A race in which a great deal of advance interest had been shown was the contest for the $5000 cash prize offered by Gar Wood. According to the rules there were to be no restrictions as to size, power or type of boat. The first prize was to be $2500; the second, $1500 and the third $1000. The course was to be across the lake and return a distance of 42 miles. On Saturday only three boats showed up for the test. All were Liberty powered. The first was the enormous box-like hull Gar Jr. II which is eventually to be fitted with cabins. As she came to the line she presented a sight that moved one naval architect to remark, that he now knew that a freight car would plane if the wheels were taken off and enough power put in. Gar Jr. II is fitted with two Liberty engines. Miss Nassau of Miami fame and Sure Cure, a Hacker hull, were the other contestants. Running at about 45 miles an hour, Sure Cure finished first, followed by Miss Nassau who was only 9 seconds behind. Gar Jr. II was last. All of the boats had averaged better than 43 miles an hour. The second race run on Sunday in rough seas went to Gar Jr. II, for Sure Cure and Miss Nassau dropped out. Sure Cure scored several cylinders and had to be towed in, while Miss Nassau loosened her propeller shaft. Under the rules the two that dropped out are automatically eliminated so the first prize money went back to the donor. Sure Cure got second money and Miss Nassau third. The third heat was not run.
The Sallan Trophy and Other Events
The three races for the Sallan Trophy for cruising boats over a 22˝ mile course; a total of 67˝ miles were won by Lidwina III, formally our old friend, Speejacks. She had 52 points. Tillamook was second with 48 points and White Cap and Cornelia II tied for third place.
The race for the Detroit News Trophy, also for cruising boats, was a one heat affair over a to mile course and was won by Elco, a stock Cruisette, built by the Elco Works of Bayonne. A biz cruiser with the peculiar name of 2 P. M. was second. Tillamook was third and Betty M fourth.
In the Miller Chance Race; a contest for boats of all classes and all sizes, the plan was to allow the winner and each of the other boats one point for finishing and one point for every boat they defeated. At the dinner given after the races all contestants were to have one draw for the prizes for each point they obtained. The big Gar Jr. II was the winner of the race; with Ed Bet, a Belle Isle runabout, second and Betty M third. There were nine starters. The results of the drawing gave first prize to Gar. Jr. II; second to Betty M; third to Tillamook; fourth to Elco. All contestants got a prize of some sort.
In the contest for the Scripps Trophy for cruisers having a piston displacement of 350 cubic inches; June who was one of the three boats to finish the Cleveland Y. C.'s long distance race to Put-In-Bay and return; had a sail-over. A match race between Betty M and Olalen proved a victory for the former. The mile time trials for the Motor Boating; Rosenfeld and A. P. B. A. Lake George Challenge Cups were contested for on Wednesday morning. The Lake George Cup went to Miss America as did the Aladdin Cup which was for the fastest time made in the Gold Cup race. The Motor Boating Cup went to Miss Nassau for being the fastest runabout and the Rosenfeld Trophy to Rainbow for being the fastest of the Fisher class boats.
The Summaries |
Boat |
First Heat |
Second Heat |
Third Heat |
Total Points |
Miss America |
29:36 |
31:47 |
23:4.4 |
18 |
Miss Detroit V |
29:35 |
31:46 |
31:19 |
16 |
Miss New Orleans |
41:37 |
35:43 |
9 |
Miss Toronto II |
29:31 |
5 |
Imp. II |
45:21 |
5 |
Miss Belle Isle |
o |
Best lap Miss America, 71.43 mph |
The Fisher Trophy 30 Mile Heats |
Rainbow |
1:22:17 |
1:20:42 |
1:21:31 |
18 |
Snap Shot |
1:25:58 |
1:21:41 |
1:22:03 |
14 |
Doughboy |
1:29:26 |
1:28:45 |
1:27:09 |
10 |
Falcon III |
2:17:57 |
1:22:23 |
6 |
Comanche |
1:25:49 |
6 |
The Gar Wood Prize 42.5 Mile Heats. |
Gar Jr. II |
1:01:00 |
59:46 |
No Race |
4 |
Sure Cure |
57:59 |
3 |
Miss Nassau |
58:08 |
2 |
The Mile Time Trials — Six Runs Each Direction |
Boat |
Best Mile |
Average Speed |
Miss America |
78.947 mph |
76.738 mph |
Miss New Orleans |
60.00 mph |
58.35 mph |
Miss Nassau |
50.46 mph |
48.91 mph |
Rainbow |
40.75 mph |
39.443 mph |
Sure Cure |
48.5 mph |
47.17 mph |
Gar Jr. II |
47.6 mph |
45.73 mph |
Comanche |
41.00 mph |
31.883 mph |
The following boats now hold worlds records for their
class: |
Boat |
Owner |
Designer |
Engine |
Miss America |
G.A. Wood |
Smith |
2 Liberty |
Miss Detroit V |
Gar Wood Jr. |
Smith |
2 Liberty |
Miss New Orleans |
D.Gilmore |
Hacker |
1 Liberty |
Miss Belle Isle |
Paul Strassburg |
Belle Isle |
1 Liberty |
Miss Toronto II |
Miss T. P. B. A |
Smith |
1 Liberty |
Imp II |
E. B. Blakely |
Hacker |
1 Hall Scott |
Rainbow |
H. B. Greening |
Crouch |
1 Sterling |
Snap Shot |
J. W. Stroh |
Hacker |
1 Sterling |
Doughboy |
J. Kelson |
Hacker |
1 Hall Scott |
Comanche |
Edsel Ford |
Hacker |
2 Hall Scott |
Falcon III |
J. Moore |
Hacker |
2 Hall Scott |
Gar Jr. II |
G. A. Wood |
Smith |
2 Liberty |
Sure Cure |
P. Strassburg |
Hacker |
1 Liberty |
Miss Nassau |
C.B. Johnson |
Smith |
1 Liberty |
Lidwina III |
S. B. Egan |
Consolidated S.B. |
2 Speedways |
Elco |
S. O. Richardson |
Elco |
1 J. V. B. |
Tillamook |
Geo. Jerome |
Wilby |
2 Murray & Tregurtha |
June |
George King |
1 Scripps |
Betty M |
C. W. Kotcher |
Wilby |
2 Van Blerck |
(Reprinted from The Rudder, October 1920, pp.5-8, 45-48)
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