1934 Miles River Trophy
Palm Beach Days Wins Miles River Trophy
Palm Beach Days, the former Gold Cup racer, revived after several years on the shelf, won the famous Miles River trophy, in three straight heats, featuring the motorboat events of the annual Miles River Yacht Club regatta at St. Michaels, Md., August 3-4.
That craft, owned by William McP. Bigelow, of Philadelphia, won all three heats, the later events narrowing down to a duel with Ernest Chase's Pep II, from Baltimore.
Chase and Bramble's Pep III won the unlimited speedboat honors, that craft outclassing Palm Beach Days. That craft is the former Miss Chicago.
Extremely rough water cut the fleet of motorboats the first day, as well as reducing the size of the usually enormous gallery. But by Saturday the yachts large and small from all corners of the Chesapeake were there, making the spectator fleet probably 300 strong. However outboards and runabouts were few in number for the motorboat races.
Flying Cloud, owned by A. J. Grymes, of Easton, Md., won the Chesapeake Bay log sailing canoe championship in the race for the Governor's Cup from scratch, in an interesting sailing feature. There were 8 entries.
C. Mulford Scull, of Ventnor, N. J., drove his Shooting Star V in the rough waters, to victories in Classes A and B outboards, then left St. Michaels to compete at the Gold Cup regatta at Lake George, N. Y.
(Reprinted from ?, October 1934)
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