1949 President's Cup
Potomac River, Washington, DC, September 18, 1949

My Sweetie Lowers Two Records in Speed-boat race on Potomac
By Clarence E. Lovejoy

Washington, Sept. 17 [1949] -- There must be some limit somewhere some day to the spectacular feats Wild Bill Cantrell of Louisville, Ky., can do in a speed boat. But so far there's no stopping him. Today the same rugged, heavy-footed daredevil who also drive fast autos at Indianapolis, hung up two new records in winning the first fifteen-mile heat for the President's Cup, and won it so easily he made it look ridiculously simple.

In the same My Sweetie, owned by Horace E. Dodge of Detroit, which won the Gold Cup, the Red Bank sweepstakes and the Silver Cup, all in this one memorable speed boat summer. Cantrell on Potomac River water, roughened and choppy because an upstream wind was bucking a downstream current, was clocked for the15 miles in 11:27 4/5.

This is really something. Translated, it means 78.51 miles and hour, which erases the old President's Cup heat record of 77.856 made last year by Danny Arena in Such Crust I.

On the zooming first 2½ mile lap, Cantrell was clocked with a speed of 83.18 mph, which supplants the previous lap record of 81.06, also made by Arena last September.

Any landlubber who has driven his auto 83 miles an hour on smooth concrete can imagine Cantrell's feat in a twisting, gyrating, churning, weaving boat that puddlejumps between wave crests, and the skill and know-how of the pilot to keep form capsizing.

Is Left Far Astern

Three-quarters of a mile astern at the finish was Such Crust I, this year driven by Lou Fageol of Kent, Ohio, and in third place was another Jack Schafer creation from the Detroit Yacht Club. Such Crust II, piloted by Arena but riding alone today and riding sadly. His younger brother, Gene Arena, who is usually his mechanic alongside, was hit by polio early this month and is hospitalized in Detroit.

All six starters in the cup's first heat were able to finish despite the dangerous water and even a seventh or eighth may appear for the second and third 15-mile heats tomorrow.

In fourth place was Etta, owned and driven by George Sarant of Freeport, L.I. who won last week's Harwood Trophy for circumnavigating Manhattan. Fifth was W. Melvin Crook of Montclair, N.J., in his rebuilt Betty V and last was Cameron Peck's Astrĉa II of Chicago with an emergency pilot at the wheel, pressed into service at the last minute.

He was Joel Thorne, wealthy sportsman, formerly of New Rochelle, N.Y. and in pre-war days an outboard hydroplane speedboat devotee who later turned to auto racing. Cantrell succeeded in lapping the last three finishers.

E.D. Stair is Beached

E.D. Stair [Jr.], a veteran Detroit pilot, had been expected to drive Astrĉa II but he was beached in disciplinary action by referee Charles F. Chapman of New York.

Stair made the mistake of coming out onto the Potomac from the inboard pits for some testing during the races of the Class F outboards. This churned up the river course, endangering the fragile hydroplanes, whose drivers protested. Chapman thereupon decreed Stair could not compete in this regatta.

Miss Pepsi [1], owned by the Dossin Brothers of Detroit and driven by Chuck Thompson, threw a rod through the motor block in an early morning trial, losing a chance to race in the afternoon's cup event. The Dossins were trying tonight to bring another Allison engine by 'plane in the hopes of competing tomorrow.

In the three-boat first heat today among the 404 cubic inch 7-litres, Joe Van Blerck Jr. of Freeport, L.I. shot his Aljo into a lead at the start and never was headed for the four long laps, totaling ten miles.

Elam in Second Place

The final heat will be raced tomorrow. Runner-up today went to Oliver Elam of Ashland, Ky., in Mercury, and third to Lou Fageol of Kent, Ohio, the originator of the 7-litre class with So Long.

The former Glen Head policeman, Ben Jankowski, now an aircraft technician with Grumman out on Long Island, has been knocking on the door of top level outboard hydroplane attention since he took up racing seriously after the war. Today he landed in limelight's center in a big way, winning three hydroplane events with the best scoring totals in six heats.

 Jankowski was no respecter of rank either. With his Class B outfit he took straight heats ahead of one of the national champions, Douglas M. Creech of Charlotte, NC and ahead of Vic Scott.

The, having found new revs and new speeds on the end of his throttle, Jankowski, with his Class C rig, divided a first and second place in the two heats with Creech and emerged the event winner on better elapsed times although their point totals were tied at 700.

In the Class F event Emil Mayer Jr. of College Point L.I. who took first heat with the only honest-to-goodness four-cylinder Class F motor, conked out in the second stanza and Jankowski with his stepped-up Class C outfit carried off the race honors with a top score, All in all his combined totals for six heats amounted to 2,200.

7 Litre Class - First Heat 10 miles
1 Aljo Joe Van Blerck Jr. Freeport, L.I.
2 Mercury Oliver Elam Ashland, Ky
3 So Long Lou Fageol Kent Ohio

Time: 8:58, Speed 66.914 mph


President's Cup - First Heat, 15 miles
1 My Sweetie Bill Cantrell Louisville, Ky.
2 Such Crust I Lou Fageol Kent, Ohio
3 Such Crust II Dan Arena Detroit
4 Etta George Sarant Freeport, L.I.
5 Betty V Mel Crook Upper Montclair, N.J.
6 Astrĉa II Joel Thorne Chicago

Speed: 78.51 (New President's Cup heat record)
My Sweetie's first lap speed of 83.18 (new Cup lap record)
Time: 11:27 4/5

(Reprinted from the New York Times September 18, 1949)

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Classic Cancelled on Rough Potomac
Final 2 Heats of President's Cup Called off -- Crack-Ups Mar Program
By Clarence E. Lovejoy

Washington, Sept. 18 [1949] -- President Harry S Truman and 150,000 other disappointed spectators along Hains Point seawall and on anchored pleasure craft today saw rough Potomac River water wash out the nineteenth President's cup regatta.

The official decision was "no race" when it was found impossible to hold the second and third of the fifteen-mile heats. This was the first time since the famous speedboat classic was initiated in 1926 under the late President Calvin Coolidge that racing had to be abandoned.

Wild Bill Cantrell's victory in yesterday's first heat in Horace E. Dodge's My Sweetie was virtually nullified under the rules which provide for a minimum of two heats.

Throughout the day the Potomac raged under a 25-mile southwest wind that not only made the scheduled morning one-mile time trials impossible but forced several postponements of the early afternoon heats for smaller racing classes.

Tabulators checking yesterday's performances found that a new world record for Class A racing runabouts had been set by Sammy Crooks, formerly of Rumson, NJ and now of St. Petersburg, FL when he was clocked with a speed of 56.948 mph.

(Reprinted from the New York Times September 19, 1949)

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My Sweetie Wins in President's Cup
Judges Rescind 'No contest' Ruling and Award Trophy to First-Heat Victor
By Clarence E. Lovejoy

Washington, Sept. 19 [1949] -- Reversing the decision of 'no contest' made late Sunday when rough waters on the Potomac prevented the second and third heats for the President's Cup, the regatta moguls this morning announced My Sweetie as the official winner for 1949.

This sensational speed boat, owned by Major Horace E. Dodge of Detroit and driven all summer by Wild Bill Cantrell of Louisville, Ky., captured the first fifteen-mile heat Saturday in a field of six Gold Cup craft with an average of 78.51 mph and hoisted two new records, one for the fastest lap in history and one for the fastest heat.

My Sweetie now becomes the first craft to score a "grand slam" by winning the four recognized top races in the unlimited class. These four are the Gold cup, the Red Bank National Sweepstakes, the Silver Cup and the President's Cup.

Before the Silver Cup feature was established last year and when the previous goal was three major regattas, two drivers achieved the "grand slam" feat, George Reis in 1933 with El Lagarto and Danny Foster in 1947 with Miss Pepsi [Correction: Miss Peps V].

At noon tomorrow President Harry S. Truman in a White House ceremony will formally award the famous challenge trophy to Cantrell, Dodge and the latter's mother, Mrs. Horace Dodge Sr.

Eric Greenleaf, general chairman of the President's cup Regatta Association, and Charles H. Gardiner, race committee chairman, explained this afternoon the revised decision..

Although patterned in the main along Gold Cup race rules, the President's Cup has been contested nineteen times since 1926 under different conditions and regulations. It has waived the requirements of qualifying heats, it has used fifteen-mile heats instead of the Gold Cup's thirty-mile heats and its heats are not concentrated in one day.

(Reprinted from the New York Times September 20, 1949)

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American Speedboat Championship
1 Etta George Sarant Freeport, L.I.

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