1950 Marine Derby [Calvert Trophy]
Speed and Spray
Louisville's Fourth Annual Regatta on the Ohio River was a wing-ding of an affair despite the rain that had been coming down for days and even drizzled during the races.
What the free-for-all race for the beautiful Calvert Trophy lacked in starters was made up for in a thrilling dogfight between Andy Marcy who took the trophy back to Springfield, Ill. with his Gold Cup boat My Darling, and Oliver Elam of Ashland, Ky. in his Seven Litre boat Mercury. The two other starters, Al Brinkman of Buffalo in Seabiscuit and Bob Smith of Louisville in Little Colonel, conked out on the first lap. Marcy had to open up his Allison-powered boat to 100 mph. on some of the straightaways to squeeze out his win over Elam, who showed some really smart driving.
Sid Street of Kansas City drove Gee Whizz a fast 69.124 mph. in the first heat of 135, which he won, along with a second in the second and first in the last. Bob Lueckenhoff of Detroit drove Miami Boy to second, while Fred Steed came up from Tyler, Tex. to take third place with Texan.
In 225-I, Phil Rothenbusch of Cincinnati won a first and two seconds with Wild Goose but Bob Smith of Louisville, who won two firsts with Little Colonel was forced out of the second heat and took second place. Doug Brockman of Cincinnati was third with two thirds and a second. Fast time was 75.85 in the first heat. Al Brinkman had trouble with Seabiscuit, formerly Sid Street's record-breaking Z-Z-Zip, mechanical trouble keeping her from finishing any heats.
Glenn Parrish of Covington, Ky. won the first two heats of 225-II with Stormy Winner and didn't finish the third but won. Don Campbell of Cincinnati got second with Miss Delhi Hills; while Ray Smith of St. Louis was third with Stinger.
Fall Cities Motor Boat Racing Assn.'s Comm. Jimmy Noonan and Charley Ciconett, race committee chairman, were complimented by all for a smoothly run regatta that clicked along its schedule with precision.
(Reprinted from Lakeland Yachting and Motorboating, October 1950)
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