"Gale IV went out of control in a 1954 Gold Cup heat on Lake Washington, hit a bulkhead of a residence at the north end of the course, frightening a lawn party as she flew through the air and came to rest in a rose garden. Unhurt, but disgusted, Bill Cantrell climbed out of the boat and brushed off the rose petals. The boat suffered an eight-inch puncture."
"Designed and
built by Les Staudacher in 1954, the Gale IV is now Wildroot Charlie. She measures 29 feet,
has an 11-foot-10-inch beam and weighs 4,800 pounds. As Gale IV she was owned by
Joseph Schoenith of Detroit and in 1955 the lime-green-and-mahogany craft won the Detroit
Memorial Race. She is powered by an Allison 117 and in 1958 was purchased by a Buffalo
syndicate and renamed Wildroot Charlie."
(Reprinted from This is Hydroplaning by Paul Lowney [1959])
Wildroot Charlie U-54 [1957-58]
"Wildroot Charlie, the former Gale IV, was designed and built by Les Staudacher in 1954. She measures 29 feet, has an 11-foot-10-inch beam and weighs 4,800 pounds. She is powered by an Allison-117. The boat was purchased from Joe Schoenith of Detroit by a group of men in New York and sponsored by Wildroot Cream Oil in 1957. She is now owned by Bob Schroeder of Niagara Falls, N.Y. She races for the Buffalo Launch Club and her colors are mahogany and lime green."
(Reprinted from This is Hydroplaning by Paul Lowney [1959])
[Material for the following incarnations of this boat will be added as time allows.]
Miss B & I (II) U-02 [1962]
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Thursday, April 01, 2010.
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© Leslie Field, 1999