Lee Taylor & Hustler

New Assault on Speed

bullet Big Wind on the Water [1964
bullet Hustler's Accident [1964]
bullet Lee Taylor Hurt in Record Run [1964]
bullet After the Accident
bullet New Assault on Speed [1966]
bullet Lee Taylor Record Run [1967]
bullet Lee Taylor's New Boat [1968]
bullet Rocket boat : Search Continues for Driver [1980]
bullet The Growl of Thunder [1989]
bullet The Fastest Boat
bullet Lee Taylor Hustler/Discovery II Photo Gallery
See also:
bullet U.S. Readies Jet Boat Assaults This Year On Water Speed Record [1965]

The Harvey Aluminum Hustler, a high-speed jet boat has recently attained a speed of 200 mph. The present program on Lake Mead is scheduled to end in January. Before that time, the company and the driver hope to push the craft to a speed of 250 mph.

The driver, Lee Taylor, is seeking to better the mark of 276.34 mph set by England's Donald Campbell Australia in 1964. Taylor says that the Hustler performed exceptionally well and that only one major change has made to date. A more advanced hydraulic system was installed to control the thrust deflector.

The boat itself was designed by Rich Hall and is a 30-foot hydroplane powered by a J-46 turbojet engine with an output of 10,000 hp converted from thrust. The Harvey Aluminum Co. is located at 19200 S. Western Ave., Torrance, Calif.

(Reprinted from Sea and Pacific Motor Boat, March 1966, pp.106, 108)

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