1953 Detroit Memorial
Detroit Memorial Regatta to Be Test for Big Boats
The last big event the Detroit River Racing Association will stage before it officially changes it name to the Windmill Pointe Yacht Club will be the seventh annual Detroit Memorial regatta on July 4.
Ed Hiller is chairman for the regatta and says he is certain of four of the big Gold Cup class boats for the unlimited event which will be run over the three mile course above the Belle Isle Bridge.
Two Trophies at Stake
The big boats will vie for not one but two trophies this year. In the past only the Ford Memorial trophy was at stake. But because the Windsor Y. C. officials could not locate pit facilities near their club they were forced to cancel the Maple Leaf Regatta and the Maple Leaf Trophy will also be on the line.
Jack Schafer will have two boats and both of them are new. He has Bill Cantrell at the wheel of Such Crust V, a single engine job, and has acquired the services of Chuck Thompson, rated the number unlimited driver for the past two years, at the wheel of the two-engine Such Crust III [2]. Actually Such Crust III is number six in the Schafer fleet but because of sentimental reasons likeable Jack elected to name her after the ill fated Such Crust III [1] which flipped last year, seriously injuring her driver, Roy Duby. Incidentally, Duby is recovering nicely from his injuries but will not drive this year.
Danny Foster will be at the wheel of Al Fallon's proven Miss Great Lakes [II] which has undergone a complete overhauling and has some minor changes.
Lee Schoenith is scheduled to drive either Gale II or Gale III depending which one is ready. Gale III is Joe Schoenith's new boat and neither Lee's dad or himself are making any rash statements about what the new boat will do. They plan to wait and see for themselves before sticking their necks out.
New Boat Not Ready
Danny Arena has recently completed a new three pointer for equipment manufacturer George Simon. News has leaked out that Simon will christen his new ship Miss United States [Miss U.S. (1)] but she will not be ready for her trial run until after the Fourth of July regatta. Arena says she will be powered by an Allison engine and her construction follows that of airplane designs, light and strong. Owner Simon must have had something to do with that feature because he was a World War II pilot. Both admitted the new craft is being pointed for the Gold Cup races at Seattle, August 9.
The unlimited race will be run in three heats of 15 miles. The first race is scheduled for 12:45 p.m., the second at 2:55 and the final at 5:05 p.m.
The program also includes events for seven-litres, 48, 266, 225 and 135 cubic inch hydroplanes.
[Reprinted from the Grosse Pointe News, July 2, 1953]
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