1953 Detroit Memorial
Foster Sweeps 3 Heats
Detroit. July 4 [1953] (AP) — Danny Foster piloted Al Fallon's Miss Great Lakes II to three straight heat victories in the unlimited class of the Detroit Memorial Regatta on the Detroit River today.
Foster won the first two heats with no serious competition. In the third he backed off and made a race of it with Bill Cantrell in Such Crust V. With an estimated 50,000 spectators watching from the river banks, Foster won this heat by a nose.
Lee Schoenith's Gale II and Chuck Thompson's Such Crust III conked out of both the first two heats with engine trouble and did not start the third.
Don Wilson, 22-year-old Dearborn pilot, was tossed from his Who Dat in the 135-cubic-inch class. After other drivers helped him back into his boat, Wilson continued on, but Chromium, driven by Bob Lueckenhoff of Detroit, won the event.
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