1960 APBA Gold Cup
Lake Mead, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 12-13, 1960

Gold Cup to Draw 15 Unlimiteds

bullet Gold Cup to Draw 15 Unlimiteds
bullet Wilson Qualifies Miss U.S. I Fastest for Gold Cup
bullet Gold Cup Racing Put Off til Next Year
bullet Muncey Takes Unlimited Crown
bullet Statistics

Roostertails will fly for eight days on Lake Mead, Nev. When the world’s fastest inboard boats engage in Gold Cup competition Nov. 5-13. Dubbed the "world series of hydroplane racing," the Gold Cup will see at least 15 of the powerful unlimiteds roaring around a 15-mile course in the finals Nov. 12-13. Officials predict that approximately 100,000 persons will witness the event starting with trials Nov. 5.

The race is being held on Lake Mead for the first time, as a result of Bill Stead’s victory in Seattle, Wash. Last year. The American Power Boat Association rules state that the driver of the winning boat shall designate the body of water on which the next year’s Gold Cup race is to be held. Stead the 30-ft. Maverick to victory at a record-breaking 104.33 mph to take the race out of Seattle for the second time in eight years.

The event is co-sponsored by the Lake Mead Yacht Club, under whose burgee Maverick races, and the Lake Mead Cup Association. Defending the cup for the Las Vegas group this year will be Joe Mascari’s Hawaii Kai III, and Austin Snell in Coral Reef. Kai previously raced for Seattle YC and later Meydenbauer YC while Coral Reef flew the Tacoma YC burgee.

Facilities to accommodate the spectator throng in the lower Lake Mead area, where races will be held, are nearing completion, according to Charles Richey, superintendent of the Lake Mead National Recreation Area. The LMNRA-supervised program includes parking facilities for thousands of cars, viewing stands, comfort stations and other conveniences. Lower Lake Mead is a 10-min. drive from Boulder City and 35 min. from Las Vegas.

As an added attraction, 300 limited hydroplanes, including at least eight of the world’s record-holding boats in this division, will race under APBA sanction Nov. 5-6. Co-conducted by the Southern California Speed Boat Club and the Lake Mead Yacht Club, these events will draw boats from California, Washington, Oregon and other western states. It will be the largest race of its kind ever held on Lake Mead.

(Reprinted from Sea and Pacific Motor Boat, October, 1960)

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