1960 APBA Gold Cup
Lake Mead, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 12-13, 1960
Gold Cup Racing Put Off Til Next Year
Las Vegas, Nev., Nov
13 [1960] (AP) For the first time in its fifty-six-year history, the Gold Cup
national championship hydroplane competition was cancelled today because of rough water
and insufficient help.
The handsome trophy will revert to the American Power Boat Association and the event will not be held again until 1961. The site will be determined later. Earlier in the day, a driver, Billy Cantrell, had been injured when his boat [Gale V (3)] flipped over in choppy water.
Owners and drivers of the fifteen qualifying boats will split $7000 in prize money. Each boat also will get $250 appearance money.
(Reprinted from the Associated Press)
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