1906 APBA Gold Cup
Chippewa Bay, Thousand Islands, NY,  Aug. 20-23, 1906

Chip II Keeps Power Boat Cup

The Gold Cup
Chip May Lose Gold Cup
Chip II Keeps Power Boat Cup
An Echo of the Gold Challenge Cup Races
Gold Challenge Cup Races of the American Power Boat Association
The Gold Challenge Cup Races
Another Editorial
Even More Editorials

The statement was made yesterday by a prominent official of the American Power Boat Association that the protest against Chip II and Sparrow, growing out of the race for the Gold Challenge Cup at Alexandria Bay, had been decided in favor of the Philadelphia boat. The Gold Challenge Cup will therefore be held again by the Chippewa Bay Yacht Club, which Chip II represented.

As a matter of fact no protest against Sparrow was made formally, though it was said her cross section was projected in such a way that she derived advantages intended to be penalized by the rule, and evaded the penalties. The protest against Chip II was made and was thoroughly threshed out. The trouble with Chip II was that in addition to her two cycle engine she had an extra cylinder which pumped air into her other cylinders, and really, it was claimed, enabled her engine to develop a greater horse power than with which she was credited by the rule of measurement. While this was undoubtedly so and was an evasion of the rule, it was held to be an advance in motor boat construction and not amenable to any penalty under the rule. In other words, her measurement was correct as far as the rule provided for the condition.

(Transcribed from the New York Times, Sep. 27, 1906, p. 10. )

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page. — LF]

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