1966 British Columbia Cup
Lake Okanagan, Kelowna, BC, Canada, July 17, 1966

$15,000 Prize for Hydro Races here in July

bullet $15,000 Prize for Hydro Races Here in July
bullet Work Crews Hit Snag in Hydroplane Pits
bullet 2.5 Mile Track Hinders Fast Entry Onto Course
bullet Trouble Spots to be Watched
bullet Trying for B.C. Cup
bullet Excitement Building : Kelowna Enters Big League of Racing
bullet Tahoe Miss Leads Boats to Kelowna
bullet Okanagan Marked by Roostertails
bullet Hydroplane Happenings
bullet Allisons and Rolls Royce Share the Spotlight
bullet Owner Rebuilding: A New Miss Budweiser Might Race in Kelowna
bullet Tahoe Miss Wins Cup
bullet Tahoe Miss Wins in Canada
bullet B.C. Cup Hydroplane Race Results

A total of $15,000 will be given in cash prizes for the British Columbia Cup unlimited hydroplane races in Kelowna July 13 to 17, with top prize being $4,000.

Official prize money for the next 11 places will be $3,200; $2,200; $1,600; $1,100; $750; $550; $350; $250; $200; $175 and $125. Each boat making a legal start will receive an additional $500.

Cash prizes and the British Columbia Cup will be awarded for the fastest lap of the entire race, including four days of heats plus the final race and the fastest lap of the day.

Harry Woods unlimited hydroplane coordinator for the American Power Boat Association, said the Kelowna Boat Racing Association is doing an excellent job preparing for the big race.

Mr. Woods, who has organized more than 300 hydroplane races, said he is "more than happy with the tremendous progress; that has been made." He praised the KPBA at a recent meeting of the organizers in Kelowna.

The new Miss Bardahl, first entry for the race, is giving driver Ron Musson and his boat crew troubles. Mr. Musson has been testing the craft on Lake Washington and reports it vibrates at high speeds, seems out of balance and has a flutter in the stabilizing rudder.

He was driving the new boat at 186 mph recently when it suddenly jumped clear of the water and hooked slightly to the left.

Bardahl hopes to have the problems solved before the first race of the season in Tampa, Fla., June 8 to 12, before coming to Kelowna.

(Reprinted from the Kelowna Daily Courier, May 25, 1966)

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