1905 Algiers to Toulon Race
Autoboats In Long Race
ALGIERS, May 7---Seven autoboats started at 6 A. M. in the long-distance race from this port to Toulon. Lewis Nixon's Gregory, which was to represent the United States in the contest, was not present.
Every precaution has been taken to prevent mishap, two cruisers and seven torpedo-boat destroyers accompanying the races. The sea was somewhat choppy, which interfered with the progress of the boats.
A mail steamer which arrived here this afternoon reports passing the boats, two of which were being towed. Their arrival at Port Mahon is expected to-morrow.
(Transcribed from the New York Times, May 8, 1905, p. 8. )
[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page. --LF]
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