1905 Algiers to Toulon Race

Duc Decazes Saved
His Auto Boat Was Abandoned, But A Destroyer Rescued His Crew

PARIS, May 15 --- The Ministry of Marine to-day received dispatched announcing that the torpedo-boat destroyer Arbalete had arrived at Cagliari, Sardinia, with the Duc Decazes and the other members of the crew of the autoboat Quand-Meme on board.

The Quand-Meme led the autoboat racers from Port Mahon, Minorca, until about fifty miles from Toulon, when the storm blew her back over the course she had taken.

Ultimately the Quand-Meme was abandoned. The commander of the Arbalete telegraphs that he took all the members of the crew on board the destroyer, but that he was unable to bring the Quand-Meme into port, as heavy seas swept over the autoboat last night, repeatedly snapping the tow line and making it impossible to tow her.

The Duc Decazes has telegraphed to his family from Cagliari as Follows:

"Landed safe and sound this morning from the Arbalete."

The rescue of the Quand-Meme closes the contest without a loss of life, but with only two of the seven boats afloat.

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page. --LF]

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