1906 Seattle Mid-Winter Regatta
Again Beats The UnionRuns Victorious 30-Mile Race in Seattle Regatta
Seattle, Jan. 2.--(Special.)--For the second time the Tilacum, of Tacoma, defeated the launch Union of Seattle yesterday, in the mid-winter regatta of the Seattle Boat Club on Lake Washington. Her owners were awarded a silver loving cup to the winner of the special race. The lead was kept by the Tilacum from the start and she crossed the line one minute and two seconds ahead of her rival.
It was the most exciting race of the regatta. Several thousand spectators gathered at Leschi park and along the shore of the lake to see the fastest boats on the coast run. because the Tacoma craft had defeated the Union in a race from that city to Seattle some weeks ago very little betting was done.
There were three entries, the Tilacum, owned by the Puget Sound Iron & Steel works; Siwash, C. W. Wiley of the Boston Steamship company, and the Union, James Campbell. The Windsplitter, which had expected to enter, did not run, being out of repair. The three got away at the starting line at 3:08:50. Something went wrong with the engines of the Siwash soon after the start and she dropped out of the contest.
Ran Thirty Miles
The course covered about 30 miles, and as the Tilacum and Union skimmed over the surface of the water on the far side of the lake they looked like tiny specks. By the aid of glasses one could plainly see that it was the Tilacum in the lead. After getting about a mile ahead, the Tilacum slackened her speed and kept a safe distance ahead of her rival. When nearing the end of the course the engine was opened again and the Tilacum shot by the Leschi park pavilion like a flash.
There were a number of races among the small launches on the lake, but none of them created much interest.
Meets Accident
In getting into the lake the Tilacum's propeller struck a snag and broke a blade. She was going slowly at the time or she might have been badly damaged. At Leschi park she was pulled ashore to have her racing propeller put on.
(Transcribed from the Tacoma Daily News, Jan. 2, 1906, p. 5 )
[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page. LF]
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