1910 Astoria Regatta
Columbia River, Astoria OR, August 29-31, 1910

Admiral’s Staff Off For Regatta
Steamer Charles R Spencer Leaves Portland With Crowd for Astoria
Admiral Robinson in Charge of Fifteenth Annual Event Enthusiastic
Over Plans of Formation of Coast Association

bullet Astoria Regatta to be the Big Event
bullet Admiral's Staff Off For Regatta
bullet Regatta Opening Most Auspicious
bullet Portland Entry Wins Speed Race
bullet Greenhorn Wins Handicap Event
bullet Astoria's Great Regatta

Admiral W W Robinson of the 15th annual Astoria Regatta, and his staff on board the steamer Charles R Spencer, chartered for the occasion, left for Astoria yesterday. Promptly at 9 o’clock in the morning, amid the tooting of whistles, the salutation to so distinguished a delegation, the Admiral’s ship swung out into the stream from the Washington Street dock and headed for the home of the three days’ at the city by the sea, 100 miles away.

All the officers of the regatta, over a score in number, garbed in their natty uniforms, commenced to assemble on the wharf long before the hour of departure. Accompanying the officers of the regatta were many Portland citizens, who will also take part in the festivities.


Government officers were on hand early and when 500 persons had gone aboard no more were allowed. It was in this way that Senator Abrahams, Republican candidate for Governor, who was attired in his regatta regalia, alonmg with over a hundred other persons, was left on the dock when the steamer sailed for Astoria. The carrying capacity for a daylight excursion is 500 persons, exclusive of the crew, and the United States Government officials enforced the law to the letter.


An attractive programme of events has been arranged by the regatta committee, of which E C Judd, of Astoria, is chairman. Due to energetic efforts of Mr. Judd and co-workers over $5,000 was subscribed for prizes.

Acting as convoy to Admiral Robinson’s flagship was a flotilla of motor boats and other craft which preceded the Spencer down the river. Among the motor boats making the trip were the Wolff II and Pacer, which will strive for the motorboat championship of the Pacific Coast. Numerous other boats of the Portland Motorboat Club were members of the flotilla acting as convoy to the Admiral’s vessel. The race between the Wolff II, Pacer, Seattle Spirit and one or two craft from California is expected to prove one of the liveliest motorboat brushes ever seen on the Pacific Coast. All are fast craft, capable of bettering the thirty-mile-an-hour mark.

On the trip aboard the Spencer the crowd was entertained both going and returning by a band.

Admiral Robinson is a well known Portland business man and prominent member of the Elks. He is a past exalted ruler of that fraternity and that organization will play a prominent part in the social amenities of the three days’ regatta. Many Elks were numbered in the crowd making the trip yesterday. The steamer Spencer returned to Portland last night, bringing back many of the people leaving earlier in the day. A large delegation of Portland folk remained in Astoria for the regatta.

Admiral Robinson and members of his staff were enthusiastic as to the plans for the formation of a Pacific Coast Regatta Association, the scope of which would promote maritime carnivals along the Pacific even into British Columbia and over to Honolulu. Mr. Robinson and George S Shepherd, Admiral of the last regatta are staunch advocates of this association.

[Transcribed from The Morning Oregonian, August 29, 1910, p.8.]

(Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page —LF)

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