1910 Harmsworth Trophy
Dixie II, Faster Than Ever, Wins Trial
Finally conditions were favorable, and the last of the elimination trials to determine the three defenders to face against the trio of English boats at Larchmont to-morrow was run off in Huntington Harbor yesterday afternoon. The water was smooth and promptly at 3:15 the starting gun was fired and two boats shot over the line to the cheers of fully a thousand people who were viewing the race from the grounds at the Chateau des Beaux Arts.
The starters were Dixie II and Restless. Dixie II was first across the line and was followed by Restless, 9 seconds later. Both boats hit up a fast clip and were soon mere specks on the horizon. The course was triangular and was 8 ¾ knots around. As the race was to be five circuits, the entire course was about 31 ½ nautical miles.
Dixie II, steered by her owner, F.K. Burnham, made the first round at 3:29:18, and Restless came around the mark at 3:29:32. On the second round Dixie II increased her lead, somewhat, as she rounded at 3:43:08, and was followed by Restless at 3:44:31. The third round was made by Dixie II at 3:57:05, and Restless turned at 3:58:44. The fourth time around Dixie II slowed up a little and was timed at 4:11:59, followed a minute and twelve seconds later by Restless 4:13:12. The last round was made by the Burnham boat at 4:26:38, and Restless followed at 4:27:11. By winning the race Dixie II makes sure of a place on the defending team and also wins the cup offered by Dr. Stuart of the Motor Yacht Club of Great Britain, for the winner of the trial races.
Dixie’s average time for the course was 28 nautical miles per hour and Restless was just a little slower.
The regatta committee in charge of the trial has not decided as yet what the third boat will be, but it is practically certain that Restless and Dixie II will face the gun Saturday at Larchmont. The committee is composed of H.R. Sutphen, F.G.C. Lyon, E.M. Morley, and Gay L. Schiffer.
[Excerpts Transcribed from the New York Times, Aug. 19, 1910, p. 6]
(Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page —LF)
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