1910 Harmsworth Trophy

Fast Motor Boats At Huntington
First of Elimination Races to Decide International Cup Defenders To-Day

bullet A Challenge for the British International Trophy
bullet British Notes
bullet The Month in Yachting
bullet Huntington vs. Larchmont
bullet The Challenger
bullet International Motor Boat Cup Course
bullet Fast Motor Boats at Huntington
bullet One Boat Race

British Motor Boats Here

bullet Motor Boats Held Up
bullet Motor Boats Fail to Race
bullet Dixie II, Faster Than Ever, Wins Trial
bullet Motor Boats for International Race
bullet Dixie II Wins Motor Boat Race
bullet The 1910 Harmsworth Cup Race
bullet The British International Cup Race
bullet International Cup Race

Special to the New York Times. HUNTINGTON BAY, L.I., Aug. 14—Five of the fastest motor boats in this country will face the starter at 3 o’clock to-morrow in the first of a series of three days’ elimination races to determine the three fastest boats which will be selected by the committee of which Charles P. Power is Chairman, to defend the International British Trophy in the race at Larchmont Aug. 20.

The boats entered are: Dixie II, Restless, Hurry, R.G.E., and Skimmer. Skimmer and Hurry are hydroplanes and are reported to be very fast.

Starting from the houseboat Najmo, which is anchored off the Chateau des Beaux Arts, from which an unobstructed view of the course is to be had, the boats will race over a triangular course of three laps, a total of twenty miles.

Last Saturday, while the express yacht tenders were racing Bustanoby Cup, Restless went over the course, and, while not time was taken, it was estimated that she was making close to thirty-eight miles an hour.. The race of the express tenders was very close, as the two boats during the whole race were not over five lengths apart. Albert E. Smith’s Edith 2nd won by four lengths from J. Suart Blackton’s Vita. The boats covered the course at the rate of twenty-two miles an hour. A large number of yachts are anchored at points of vantage near the starting line to-day ready for the race to-morrow.

{J. Stuart Blackton was one of the pioneers of the motion picture industry, whose company, Vitagraph, eventually merged with Warner Brothers and launched the revolution in talking pictures in the late twenties. Blackton’s boat Baby Speed Demon II would be the 1914 Gold Cup victor – GWC}

[Transcribed from the New York Times, Aug. 15, 1910, p. 8.]

(Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page —LF)

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