1910 Harmsworth Trophy
Motor Boats Held Up
The elimination trials for the purpose of selecting a team of three motor boats to defend the Harmsworth International Trophy at Larchmont on Saturday, when the three British hydroplanes will try to wrest the cup from the Motor Boat Club of America, had to be postponed yesterday until this afternoon. The water was so rough in Huntington Harbor, where the trials are being held, that no high speed work would have been possible and then there was not a boat ready for the starting gun.
The Restless, the only racer that showed up on Monday for the first trial, was hauled high and dry out of the water at the yards of her builders in Huntington, in order to repair a small leak that had opened after her hard run in rough water on Monday. The hydroplane Question lay at her moorings all of yesterday, no attempt being made to run her over the course. The Nameless has not made her appearance in the harbor, and it is reported that she has not left the yards of hr builders.
Although Dixie II has not appeared as yet, she is almost sure to be on hand before Saturday. It is not really necessary to have her go through the process of elimination. It is generally conceded that she is probably the fastest boat in this country and furthermore is always reliable an can be relied upon to reel off nearly forty miles an hour.
While the situation is somewhat discouraging, still there is no doubt that America will be represented by at least two good boats against the Britons at Larchmont, for the Restless and Dixie II are both practically ready now for the race.
There is much speculation as to the whereabouts of Hurry, Skimmer, R.E.C. and Nameless. It looks as if it would be impossible to get any of these boats turned up to racing pitch in the short time left, and it is to be hoped that the race Saturday will not be postponed on account of unpreparedness of the American boats, as the British entrants have gone to great trouble and expense to bring their three boats over here.
It is doubtful if the race will be postponed for any reason except rough water, so that it is probable that the three British boats, namely, the Pioneer, owned by the Duke of Westminster, the Zigarella, owned by Mr. Daniel Hanbury, and the Maple Leaf III, owned by Mackay Edgar, will face only the Dixie II and the Restless, when the starting gun is fired at 3 o’clock on Saturday in Larchmont Harbor, just off the house of the Larchmont Yacht Club.
[Transcribed from the New York Times, Aug. 17, 1910, p. 7]
(Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page —LF)
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