1910 Harmsworth Trophy
International Motor Boat Cup Course
On board the Minnewaska, which is due to arrive here to-morrow, are the three little British motor boats that will struggle next Saturday to win the Harmsworth International Challenge Cup, now held by the Automobile Club of America.
Unusual interest is being taken in the coming race, and while the public has some knowledge of the challengers, little or nothing is known of the boats that will be called upon to defend the cup.
The elimination trials will be held on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and many of the contestants have announced their entries. It is believed some sensational new ideas in speedy hydroplanes will be seen for the first time.
The International Cup was brought to this country by the Dixie in 1907. The race this year, which is the first one that has been held since 1906, when the Dixie successfully defended her title, will be confined to England and America, though France held the championship in 1904, 1905 and 1906.
The three British challengers are the Maple Leaf, owned by Mackay Edgar, the Zigorella, owned by Daniel Hanebury, and the new hydroplane belonging to the Duke of Westminster, equipped with a Wolseley-Siddeley motor of high power. This latter boat turned turtle on her trial trip through taking too short a turn, but is nevertheless expected to be a dangerous competitor. The Maple Leaf is credited with a speed of thirty-five nautical miles an hour.
Among the known defenders will be Hurry, designed by W.M. Whittaker, about which some sensational rumors of speed have been spread. The latter is, strictly speaking, a hydroplane. Other entries are the Dixie, present holder of the cup, owned by F.K. Burnham, the Restless, owned by F.L. Chesbro, and the Nameless, owned by August Heckscher. Many others, boats that have been kept under cover up to date, will try for the honor of defending the cup.
For several years after the first contests were held in motor boat racing the science of boatbuilding was comparatively neglected, and all energies were bent on the motors. Now the two have been developed with equal energy, and it is believed that many new speed records will follow.
The contest at Larchmont will be held under the ausices of the Automobile Club of America, the guardian of the cup, to which the Larchmont Yacht Club has extended the courtesies of its property and clubhouse for the event.
[Transcribed from the New York Times, Aug. 14, 1910, sect. IV p. 8]
(Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page —LF)
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