1909 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Regatta
Lake Washington, Seattle, WA, July 3-10, 1909

A.-Y.-P. Exposition Speed Boat Regatta

A.-Y.-P. Exposition Speed Boat Regatta

Fast Speed-boats Will Start on the Lake Tomorrow

Motor-boats to Speed Up Today

Wolff II Fast in Speed-boat Race

Captain Spencer Talks About Wonderful Run of Wolff II

Wolff II and Pacer Win Races

Wolff II Again Defeats Pacer

Portland Motor Boat is Sure-Enough Flyer

Thirty-Two-Foot Class Motor Boats Race Today

Wolff II Wins in Final Heat

Wolff II of Portland Again Defeats Pacer

Endurance Motor Boat Race Today

Fast Motor Boat Breaks Propeller

Pacer Breaks Propeller and has to Quit Race

Exposition Races at Seattle

Regatta of the Northwestern International Yacht Racing Association on Puget Sound

Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Speed Boat Regatta

The most important announcement of the month to the motor boat world of the pacific Coast is the report of the special committee appointed by Chairman Collins of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Amusement Committee to handle the preliminary details of the speed races at the fair next July. This committee was selected from the Pacific International Power Boat Association and consists of H. A. Chadwick, Miller Freeman, Percy Parkinson, Frank M. Foulser, Clarence H. Jones and C. W. Chandler, secretary. Several meetings of these committeemen have been held and results are beginning to follow their labors with incredible rapidity.

Many important events are scheduled, among which is a world's championship challenge race for the 10-meter class. In order to give this as much weight as possible, communications have been addressed to all of the executive associations in different parts of the world asking them to endorse this specific event as the official race for the class for the year of 1909. The prize will be a trophy valued at something between $500 and $1,000. The course will be 30 miles on Lake Washington with no sharp turns. The race will be a non-handicap. Already this announcement has created a marked sentiment among the owners and builders and inquiries have been receive from all parts of the country which indicates that in the United States, at least, considerable interest is being taken in the A.-Y.-P. events.

Another $500 trophy will be put up for the 40-footers, which will probably attract a number of 30-milers or better and establish a Pacific Coast record, although it is anticipated that the Monaco and Harmsworth races will probably get the fastest and greatest number of entries in this class this year. The cup for this event will be known as the A.-Y.-P. challenge cup. The same course and conditions apply as in the other race. Already half a dozen entries are practically assured, which will lift the time up round the thirty-mile mark. The Smalley, Leighton, Scripps, British-American, Gray and several other engines are already represented among the list of probable entries and a number of pacific Coast hulls and engines are also included. The old General II, remodeled and speedier, is entered, also a new boat from British Columbia, which is said to be a wonder. A Herreshoff design is another possible entry, if the engines which are now being built specially at Everett, Wash., fulfill the promise of speed the specifications call for.

Further non-handicap events are the 8-meter (26 feet), the 22-foot and the 18-foot special classes, which will be put over a 20-mile course.

A big handicap event open to all participants in the above events will be run, with handicaps based on actual performance in the class races. Three or five per cent disqualification clause will be attached. This will undoubtedly be the biggest field of special boats ever started on the Pacific Coast, and the finish should constitute one of the most spectacular events of the exposition.

A hydroplane race will be the first of its sort ever seen in this locality. An effort is being made to induce the famous freak "Bat," which was one of the star attractions of this year's New York Motor Boat Show to come here. The Bat impersonates her name and is claimed to make the phenomenal speed of 46 miles an hour. Several other examples of the freaky craft are expected to show up.

A number of special events will be pulled off in front of a grandstand on the exposition grounds. These include tug-of-war, obstacle races, races for boats built and run by boys not over 17 years of age, backward races, etc.

The direct management of the events will be in the hands of the above named committee acting for the exposition and the Motor Boat Club of Seattle, whose clubhouse at Madrona Park will be the rendezvous for all the motor boat men on the lake. The races will probably take place the second week in July, lasting three days, and be held in connection with the rowing and other aquatic events. They will follow directly upon the heels of the long distance power boat race and the regatta of the Elliott Bay Yacht Club. Special rates of transportation have been secured for entries, which can be learned on application to the secretary, C. W. Chandler, First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. The P.I.P.B.A. racing rules will apply. Invitations will be sent out to every organized yacht club in the world to participate in these events.

(Transcribed from Pacific Motor Boat, April 1909, p. 23. )

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page —LF]

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