1909 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Regatta
Motor Boats to Speed Up Today
With literally thousands of dollars bet by rival boat owners and intense interest excited, the exposition motor boat races will open today on Lake Washington. Speed boat skippers from all up and down the Coast are ready to send out their gasoline marvels for the ten days of racing.
The programme today starts at 2 oclock, and includes two of the biggest events of the meeting, the worlds championship races in the ten-meter and twelve-meter classes. For these special events some of the fastest power boats in the world are entered. Of unusual interest will be the race between Eddie Roeschs Pacer, of Seattle. And the Wolff II, of Portland, in the twelve-meter class.
(Excerpts transcribed from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 3, 1909, p. 11.)
[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page --LF]
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