1953 APBA Gold Cup
Lake Washington, Seattle WA, August 9, 1953
The "Old Lady" Got Into Another Race
By Lou Fageol, As Told To a Post-Intelligencer Staff Writer
The "Old Lady" got into another race out there in that second heat. I call the Slo-mo-shun IV the Old Lady, and I love her. We tussled for a while with the Gale II when the Gale passed us early in the heat. The Gale really gave us an argument until I got myself set on a turn and turned on the pressure. The IV has speed over any boat here on the straightaways. Ate Water— We hadn’t anticipated such challenge. I was busy with my stop watch when all of a sudden was eating water. Later, I returned the favor. You know that water out there on the course looks smooth but it is really rough when you are piloting a hydroplane at 160 miles an hour on the straightaways—and I hit that I’m sure more than once. That race must have been a good one to watch! I was thinking about that when I swung around the south turn on one of my laps. rrn thoroughly satisfied with the way the Old Lady performed. She is such a sweet boat. Right at the start. I found myself "boxed in." right in the middle of the other boats. I saw Just a little daylight ahead and went for it. Got It— All I asked for was a little daylight between me and the other boats, and we got it, the Old Lady and I. It certainly was a fine gesture on Joe Taggart’s part to invite me to drive the second heat. It made me happy to see Joe out there in the first heat. I think he is one of the top drivers in the world.
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